PNA & DK Events
As a Church of God affiliation, Double K offers several different retreats put on by the COG family that are fun, uplifting and memorable. Come join the heritage of sharing the love of Christ at Double K with friends and family.

Women's Retreat
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Bring Your Own Bike!
Group bike rides around Lake Easton will be offered on Saturday afternoon starting from the parking lot of Double K Retreat Center. It is a fairly flat eight mile ride that will take 1.5 hours to complete.
There will be another option for a shorter group bike ride on the Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail that will vary in length of two to four miles, according to the ability of the group.
Something Extra
Bring a Hidden Treasure to Bless Another
Do you have a sweatshirt, t-shirt, sweater or jacket in excellent condition that you would like to move out of your closet and into someone else’s? Bring it along for a clothing exchange!
One more opportunity! Would you like that special book you read to find a home with someone else that would be blessed by the message. Bring it along for a book exchange!